Saturday, August 22, 2009
Aroma Therapy Plus on TV3 (Malaysia)
(this is a short video about the Aroma Therapy Plus product which explained about the usage of the product, as one of the method in curing illness such as asthma and cough.)
The Video is in Bahasa Malaysia (Malay).
Please click on the play button to start playing.
Explanation of the video
"Firstly the two TV's newscasters highlight about the new discovery in the alternative medicine, namely the aromatherapy in one of the exhibition which been held in Malaysia. The reporter interviewed the Aroma Therapy Plus marketing manager about the usage and general comments about the product. The manager among others reveled that this product can cure common illness such as asthma and cough. The comments which runs at the background stated that this product which has been sold throughout Malaysia is produce by the company by the named of Seikhlas Budi Enterprise. The background comments also stated that the main ingredients in the products among others are lavender, mint and t-tree oil as one of their basis, and it also can safely be used on the babies from 2 years of age and above."
Ingredients In The Aroma Therapy Plus

Introduction to the Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy in his basis concentrate use organic extracted from plant which is known as essential oil (Essential oil) to be use as a health care which possess nature treat on physical and emotion. It is known as best botanical extract by nature therapeutic and conservation and treatment nature with absorption through skin or a method of smelling (inhale).
Ingredients in the Aroma Therapy Plus (among others are...)
Pudina (Mint)
Mint is a herbal which normally used to be giving breath freshness, liquefy phlegm, asthma, flu, anti bacteria and septic anti. Mostly used for toothpaste, in making sweets, in chewing gum, in a cough mixture, gargle and some flu products (inhaler). For a traditional medical, a boiled mint oil is very good for problems which related to swellings joint, wind problem, wound, influenza, ekzema etc. In the method of aromatherapy, only an extract from mint is adopted, which in customary a drop of this essential oil is equalvalent to 30 drops of boiled oil mint.
The value of it's herbal is higher, with menthol. However it's smell and concentration effect is unsuitable to be used directly onto skin. The effect on the skin will be visible or standing out, such as dry skin, rough skin and skin inflammation. But for the AROMA THERAPY PLUS products, although mint is one of a main ingredient, it has been diluted with certain proportion or percentage and also it has been added or blended with other essential oil which can be even be safely apply to babies.
It is the most aromatherapy oil which has been used in a cosmetic products. Usually it is used as a face cleanser, acne product, skin medicine etc. Most of t-tree essential oil are imported from Australia, China and European countries. In the Malay traditional products this aroma oil is under-utilised. The study on the t-tree oil found that it is good and effective in solving a skin problem.
For the AROMA THERAPY PLUS products it owns few functions which acted as a material which restore a skin discomfort and a problematic skin. It also aimed at curing an acne problem, whitehead, dry skin and can be use onto soft skin type. Nevertheless, his pretty tough scent is unsuitable to be smelled. When directly used, the concentrate oil would resulted in skin becomes offensive, peeling etc. We must remember that all essential oil in an aromatherapy are highly concentrated, thus it must be diluted according to the usage and products.
Originated from Europe, it is the most popular essential oil which is used in method of aromatherapy. Most of the aromatherapy products will used this essential oil. It often used to defuse pressure, reduce emotional stress, resting mind, fatigue problem, defuse nervous system, sun-burns and sleeping disorder or insomnia. Inside the AROMA THERAPY PLUS products we have mix a lavender so that it's therapeutic value is not lost and also has a good combination within it's formulation. The fresh smell and unique make the AROMA THERAPY PLUS products really special.
Friday, August 21, 2009
About the Aroma Therapy Plus
Aroma Therapy Plus is a summary products oil mixture natural substance which possess high special role and commercial value. Lend itself to variety use, follow body suitability on someone's body. Ordinarily AROMA THERAPY PLUS is very good for use on cough, flu, asthma, result sputum smoking, aches joint, headache, strees etc. His special resolution is from mint extract, t tree and lavender. Consolidate within distinctive percentage. It gives best effect from health aspect, refreshing skin and smell suitability and unique. Can be used from 2 month old infant to adult.
This products is focussed for the whole family, everywhere and any situation. It is very easy to use, only roll-on. Insyaallah (God's will) we will be able to sense his goodness. Apart from that this Aroma Therapy Plus also fit to release diseases such as:
* Cough, Flu, Asthma and Result Sputum Smoking.
* Toothache.
* Bedwetting Child, Indigestion and Ill bloated stomach.
* Stress, Tension, Sadness, Drowse, Dizzy and Headache.
* Tense muscle, Aches Joint, Minor cut, Insect Bites and Pimple.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
History of aroma therapy

The roots of Aromatherapy can be traced back more than 3,500 years before the birth of Christ, to a time when the use of aromatics was first recorded in human history. In reality, the history of aromatherapy is inexorably linked to the development of aromatic medicine, which in the early days was itself combined with religion, mysticism and magic.
This was a time when the ancient Egyptians first burned incense made from aromatic woods, herbs and spices in honour of their gods. They believed that as the smoke rose up to the heavens, it would carry their prayers and wishes directly to the deities. Eventually, the development of aromatics as medicines would create the foundations that aromatherapy was built upon.
In the ancient world 5,000 to 10,000 BC - long before plant medicines of any sort had been discovered, our ancestors would burn aromatic herbs, scented woods and barks to drive out the 'evil spirits' from sick people.
Some of these poor individuals were possibly suffering from mental illness, but apart from using fire and water, 'smoking' was the only other form of treatment.
The word perfume comes from the Latin per fumum, which means 'through smoke'. Initially, any fragrant woods, barks or herbs growing in the locality would have been used, since the major aromatic trading centres would not appear for thousands of years yet.
From 529 AD till today
It was the Persians who next made the most enduring contributions to the knowledge of aromatics and medicine. Al-Razi (865-925) is considered one of Persia's finest physicians, and during his lifetime he penned a phenomenal 237 books and articles covering several fields of science, half of which concerned medicine. Born in the town of Rayy near Tehran, Al-Razi was known in the West as Rhazes and he had an enormous influence on European science and medicine.
His most influential work was a medical encyclopedia covering 25 books called 'AI Kitab al Hawi', which was later translated into Latin and other European languages, and known in English as 'The Comprehensive Work'. His medical accomplishments were legion, and he also developed tools such as mortars, flasks, spatulas and phials which were used in pharmacies until the early twentieth century.
A legend is born

Next came Ibn Sina (980-1037), also a Persian, who was probably the most famous and influential of all the great Islamic physicians and known throughout Europe as Avicenna. His life truly was the stuff of legend. At the age of 16 he began studying medicine and by 20 he had been appointed a court physician, earning the title 'Prince of physicians'. He wrote 20 books covering theology, metaphysics, astronomy, philology, philosophy and poetry, and most influentially, 20 books and 100 treatises on medicine.
His 14 volume epic 'Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb', which means 'The Canon of Medicine' was over one million words long and contained the sum total of all existing medical knowledge. This monumental medical encyclopedia included the Hippocratic and Galenic traditions, describing Syro-Arab and Indo-Persian practice plus notes on his own observations, becoming the definitive medical textbook, teaching guide and reference throughout Western Europe and the Islamic world for over seven hundred years.
Champions of modern aromatherapy
The term 'aromatherapie' was coined by a French chemist named René-Maurice Gattefossé (1881-1950) who studied the medicinal properties of essential oils for many years whilst working in his families perfumery business. He had the opportunity to personally test his innovative theories when an explosion in his laboratory caused a severe burn to his hand.
He plunged his hand into a vessel of pure lavender oil which immediately reduced the swelling and helped accelerate the healing process. Most impressively, he was left with no scar. He was a prolific writer covering many subjects, but it was his passion for researching essential oils that eventually led to the publication in 1937 of his ground-breaking book, 'Aromathérapie: Les Huiles essentielles hormones vegetales'.
The work of Valnet and Gattefossé stimulated and influenced Englishman Robert Tisserand, who in 1977 wrote the very first aromatherapy book in English entitled, 'The Art of Aromatherapy'. This book became the inspiration and reference for virtually every future author on the subject for almost two decades.
Today we are at last unfolding the final secrets of the Egyptian mysteries, revealing aromatherapy to be one of the finest ways to combat the detrimental effects of stress, restoring the beauty, tranquility and harmony of Nature into the lives of everyone.
excerpt from Quinessence
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