Cough, flu, asthma and sputum
Wipe the Aroma Therapy Plus on a chest area, neck and back of a body as much as 3 times a day or according to your need.
Toothache (Sakit Gigi)
Wet the cotton with the Aroma Therapy Plus and put it onto your perforated tooth and wipe on a jaw exterior
Bedwetting child, indigestion, ill bloated stomach (Budak kencing malam, sakit kembung perut)
Wipe the Aroma Therapy Plus in the abdomen and stomach
Stress,tension, melancholy, drowse, dizzy, headache, nausea and vomit
Wipe the Aroma Therapy Plus onto your palm, then cover your hand at your nose and inhale the aroma as much as 3 times consecutively with a deep breath. Also swept the Aroma Therapy Plus on your eyebrow and forehead.
Draw Face (Seri Wajah)
Wet the towel using a lukewarm water that has been mixed with the Aroma Therapy Plus, then spread that towel onto your face for 5 minutes.
Firstly suck some of the water through your nose 2 or 3 times then wipe the Aroma Therapy Plus at your nose.
Freshness and body odour
Wipe the Aroma Therapy Plus to your whole body.
explanation of the table:
It explain about the usage of Aroma Therapy Plus in Bahasa Malaysia